TLauncher is a launcher for Minecraft which allows you to play any version of the game—from the first public alphas that were released in 2010 to the latest version available, including the legendary version 1.0 of 2011. All of these, moreover, are official versions. All are downloaded directly from the game servers without any kind of modifications.
Easy to install and easy to configure
The TLauncher installer will guide you step by step so that you will have the program up and running in less than two minutes. You can even quickly download any additional components you may be missing. This means that if you do not have Java previously installed on your PC, you can download and install it directly from here. This step is very important because, without Java, neither the launcher itself nor Minecraft will work properly.
A very simple interface
One of TLauncher's strengths is undoubtedly its ease of use. And this is thanks to its interface. In the bottom right corner of the program, you will see the configuration options, while a little to the left, you will see the button that allows you to install any version of Minecraft you want. Further to the left, you will see the field to enter your username. If you have an official Minecraft license, you can enter your information here to access your account's official servers and skins.
Any version of Minecraft in seconds
You can choose which version of Minecraft you want to download in the drop-down tab at the bottom of the interface. Here, you will find a huge list of versions, ranging from more than a decade-old builds to versions with mods. For the game to work correctly with mods, TLauncher will automatically download either Forge/Fabric or OptiFine, depending on the version you want to play. You can even manage all the mods you want to install and use from the launcher itself.
A fast and powerful launcher
Download TLauncher if you want to play Minecraft on your own terms, enjoying the version of the game you like the most without any hassle. Thanks to this launcher, you can play your favorite version and manage all your mods and skins comfortably, all from a single interface. It's a real treat for fans of the game.
Mine, just free
It's really good, I recommend it.